M M, .mM IMIm, mIMm, IMmm, IMMIMMIMm, mIM, mIMIM, mMIMIMIIMIMM, IMM, IM, Mm, IM, MM, IM, IM, IM, MM, IM, IM, IM, mmmIMMMMMMMm, IMMMM, IMIMM, mIMIMM, mM, M, IM, IM, IM, mIMIMM, mMMMMM, IMIM 27.09.2008 читать 4 мин. 0 37 27.09.2008 читать 4 мин. 0 37 This is an ASCII art of the letter M created using various characters. The text is arranged in a specific pattern to form the shape of the letter. The JSON output includes the title, tags, and a brief summary of the content. ASCII art M text art Перепост Прочитать полностью